Monday, 6 June 2011

the first.. real entry

So let see how this goes. i'd like to take this moment to say this. the world needs more Powercore combiners. I own two now, and im glad to have them. and im hoping to get sorted and have lots of spending money for Auto assemble. Oh and the movie Mudflaps with be coming with me. he needs a new home as i dont want or like him.

So if anyone would like to give mudflaps a new home and are at AA let me know. as the saying goes. "Free to a good home" lol. But seriously if he doesnt get a good home then i may have to "decommission" him.

First blog on the new spot

Sooo yeah. thought i had better back into Blogging instead of Vlogging. So that said I am sat at work with nothing to do. looking at my DSI think i only need two more badges on pokemon black, But. I am here typing with the music on loud as im in the workshop. Im gonna try and post here more than video my stuff.

So i'll be back here soon with a better post lol